Patent Valuation Analysis
Intellectual property (IP) such as patents account for a majority of the business value in many companies today.
Any IP valuation has its individual conditions. But how much is a realistic value, if the valuation context often differs? No matter if it's because of management-oriented purposes, transfers or a planned IP co-operation, when it comes to putting a price tag on an IP portfolio, external valuation know-how is vital to obtain the best result.
Why value?
There may be several reasons why the valuation of patents, trademarks, etc. or of a business unit within a company or an entire company is necessary. Some instances are listed below:
- Valuation is needed when, for example, you need to sell or license your IP, giving you an estimate of potential future royalty incomes.
- The valuation may be helpful when you need to determine whether your return on investment based on your IP/IA is sufficient.
- If you plan to buy or sell a company or a business unit within a company, valuation can help you reach a better price regarding the acquisition or the sale.
- In some cases you are required to value your assets due to regulations from either tax agencies or enforcement administrations.
- Before securing an investment from an investor, a valuation may serve as a base for discussing the conditions, demands, shares, etc. A valuation is useful also from the investor's side, before investing in something that includes IP/IA rights.
Our offer
We offer a variety of valuation services regarding your IP/IA. These include:
- Valuation of individual patents, patent families or groups of patents. Valuations of trademarks, know-how or other intangible assets can also be made.
- Valuation of business units within a company or an entire company,
- Close collaboration with our patent attorneys, attorneys at law and valuation experts during the entire process,
- A comprehensive report, describing your company, followed by an IP/IA due diligence and a collection of financial data. Afterwards a description of chosen valuation methods is presented together with the calculations.